Poverty Alleviation Programs
Kurigram Poverty Alleviation Project
This project covers all the five thanas of Kurigram district with an estimated cost of
Taka 20 million under the financial assistance of NORAD. The main objectives of the
project are to increase additional income of the beneficiaries through creation of
production and employment opportunities and to develop & establish organizational
co-operation & practices to provide services for continued poverty reduction efforts after end of the project
period with a possibility of replication in other areas of Bangladesh.
Upto June 1998 more than 1200 Bittahin groups comprising 26277 members have been formed
under this project, 50% of which is female. The members have accoumulated more than 19
million Taka as savings. More than two thousand members were given wide varieties of
social /human development and skill development training by the project. The project also
invested a sum of Taka 238.59 million, as loan to the target beneficiaries and recovery
rate is 94%.
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