Pioneer in Poverty Alleviation

Poverty Alleviation Program

Rural Poor Co-operative Project:

The Rural Poor Co-operative Project of BRDB is being implemented in 82 thanas of greater Rajshahi, Pabna, Kustia ,and Jessore districts at a cost of Taka 591.75 million since 1993. The main objective of the project is to improve the socio-economic condition of the assetless poor through two-tier co-operatives and creation of employment opportunities for them in the rural areas. It has so far organized 0.25 million poor men and women into co-operatives. The total loans disbursed by the project against different IGAs stand at Taka 1980.36 million. The recovery rate is almost 100%.

Rural Poverty Alleviation Program:

The Rural Poverty Alleviation started during 1993-94, project involves cost of Taka 665.507 million and is being implemented in 145 thanas of the country without any foreign assistance. Mobilization of rural poor into informal groups, capital formation , skill training , credit , marketing , social and human development activities etc. constitute the important components of the projects. It has so far organized 4922 non formal groups with 116000 members in 23 districts. Till June 1998 the project disbursed a sum of Taka 869.34 million against different trades as identified by the target group members. The recovery being almost 100%.

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Bangladesh Rural Development BoardBRDB management, Bangladesh governmentBRDB success rural areas, AsiaContact Address, mailing address, address

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