Poverty Alleviation Program
Greater Noakhali Rural Poor Co-operative Support Project
Greater Noakhali Rural Poor Co-operative support project is a poverty alleviation
project of BRDB financed by the GOB. The objectives of the project are to mobilize and
organize the Bittaheen- the landless and assetless rural poor into Bittaheen co-operative
societies of their own, in order improve their quality of life through gainful economic
activities and to create
additional employment opportunities through human resources, skill training, providing
credit and other inputs to the target population to facilite year-round employment and
income generation. Up to June 1998 more than 1265 Bittaheen co-operative societies
comprising 32983 members have been formed under this project, 74% of which is female. The
members have accumulated more than 26.36 million taka as share and savings. More than 12
thousand members were given wide varieties of social, human development and skill
development training by the project. The project also invested a sum of Taka 167.72
million as loan to the target beneficiaries and recovery rate is 100%.
Some more projects like UNDP Supported Community Employment Project -I and II involving
six thanas are being implemented by the Board with similar objectives of poverty
alleviation. Asian Development Bank has recently signed an agreement with GOB to fund the
Rural Livelihood Project (RLP) for implementation in 152 thanas of the country at a cost
of 43.5 million dollars with BRDB as the executing agency. RLP is designed to expand and
transform the existing Rural Poor Co-operative Project and is expected to achieve
financial independence for the asset less co-operatives under the project and commence a
process of establishing viable District Bittaheen Banks with beneficiary participation in
collaboration with Sonali Bank and Bangladesh Bank.