Pioneer in Poverty Alleviation

Poverty Alleviation Program

Rural Development-9 Project:

This project is being implemented in 20 thanas involving 4 districts in the country with a cost of Taka 680.86 million and has covered 40196 households out of 63939 in the region. The members have accumulated Taka. 41.18 million as savings and a total amount of Taka 408.94 million has so far been disbursed to the members as loan, the recovery rate is 93%.

Rural Bittaheen Program (RD-12)

This project is being implemented in 139 thanas of the country since 1988 with a cost of Taka 1185 million .The beneficiaries of the project include assetless men and women of the rural areas with the ownership of land of not more than 0.50 acre who are working as day labourers.

The project has so far organised 16824 cooperatives and informal groups with 535562 members (male: 187956, female: 347606) who have accumulated own capital of Taka 277.146 million as of June 30, 1998.The project invested a sum of Taka 4538 million against various IGAs to 5,20,905 members (male: 157177 female: 363728) on different occasions and the recovery rate is 95%.

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Bangladesh Rural Development BoardBRDB management, Bangladesh governmentBRDB success rural areas, AsiaContact Address, mailing address, address

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