Mainstream and Agriculture Development
Under agricultural development programs BRDB is
implementing the following projects.
Model Rural Development Project (MRDP)
Model Rural Development Project (MRDP) started functioning in Homna and Daudkandi
thanas of Comilla district during 1992-93 with the assistance of the Govt. of Japan. Local
Govt. Engineering Department (LGED) and Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB) are
jointly responsible for the implementation of the project. LGED is assigned to construct roads and bridges,
excavation and re-excavation of canals and improve other infrastuctural facilities to
support development activities in the project area. Bangladesh Rural Development Board
(BRDB) on the other-hand, is responsible to help accelerate agricultural production
through the application and expansion of irrigation facilities, provide avenues for
gainful income and self-employment opportunities and thus consolidate the TCCA-KSS system
in the project thanas. The estimated cost of the project is Taka 197.69 million of which
Taka 140.00 million is earmarked as grant assistance from JICA/JOCV and Taka 57.69 million
as GOB contribution .The objectives of the project are as follows:
- Increasing agricultural production through the application and expansion of
irrigation technologies;
- Improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of people engaged in farm and non-farm
activities through planned training programs;
- Creating income and employment opportunities for people especially the rural
- Providing marketing facilities for farm and off-farm products;
- Strengthening the TCCA-KSS System in the project area;
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