Pioneer in Poverty Alleviation

Poverty Alleviation Program
The poverty alleviation program of the Board has the following sub-components:

1. Formation of TBCCA(landless), BSS, MBSS and informal groups.

2. Capital formation

3. Conscientization and skill development training

4. Promotion of different income generating activities like beef fattening, goat rearing, poultry raising, paddy husking, rickshaw/van pulling, sewing, kitchen gardening, bee keeping, pisciculture, food processing, cane bamboo works etc.

The micro-credit programs of the Board are conducted for income generation and skill development of the rural poor. While poorest of the poor are targeted under safety net programs.Micro-credits cover a wide range of poor people.

Bangladesh Rural Development BoardBRDB management, Bangladesh governmentBRDB success rural areas, AsiaContact Address, mailing address, address

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